Friday, October 12, 2012

Instagram picture dump

Our week has been so busy and it apparently I have been using Instagram on my phone as my diary because it is always with me and my big camera isn't.  Sorry if you follow me on Instagram these will be repeats but wanted to document my family memories regardless!

Lucy has been so sweet lately about not waking me up if she gets up before me.  She will usually just go in the den and do something quietly until I wake.  One morning this week, I found this.  I guess she had come downstairs to go to the bathroom and just got in the recliner and went back to sleep.
Then another morning I woke up to this.  She had already gotten dressed for the day and was sitting quietly reading a book.  So sweet!

Our van crossed over to the "other side" this week.  Hoping to drive it until the wheels fall off since it is paid off!

Story came over last Sunday and it was chilly.  The girls loaded up on warm clothes and looked too cute not to take their pic!  :)

This girl was apparently cold too!
 On Sunday we also painted pumpkins and this is mine!

Last Sunday night the kids were watching tv in our bed and fell asleep...too sweet!

So convicting..."for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks!"

Jake, Lucy and Brayden

Watching a movie with my boy...
 We made homemade chicken and dumplins one night and the girls were my helpers!

Sweet moment one morning before Jay left for work...

Tuesday night we went outside to play and our neighbors were out playing.  The kids had a ball!

They had a bonfire with some old wood they were trying to get rid of and the kids loved it!

Wednesday night Oak had his first cup at our house...he looked so big!

Even in the moments when we are literally (or figuratively) sinking, we are still expected to have faith!

I made homemade banana bread for Wednesday night small group...recipe to follow.  It is Jay's grandmother's recipe and it is a keeper!

This is the kind of mail I love to get...another debt paid off!  PAID IN FULL!!! Woohoo!

Karis' invitation to the Awards Ceremony for making straight A's!
 Karis attended a cheerleading clinic this past Wednesday and Thursday night.  We stayed and watched for part of it on Thursday.  It was LOUD and WILD in there with all those girls ha!

Me and my Lu :)

It's been a busy and crazy week!  Busy weekend to follow!

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