Sunday, April 19, 2009

Potty training update

It has been a long 6 days since we started this potty training journey but overall Brayden is doing wonderful!  He has had a few TRUE accidents when he can't get the stool up to the potty in time and just doesn't make it, although was trying and a few NOT SO TRUE accidents where it was more or less intentional to NOT go to the potty and for those he is getting disciplined.  But he has had several days where he hasn't had ANY accidents at all and is going all on his own.  We are so proud of him and he is seeming like such the big boy!

Do you remember when we were rewarding him earlier in the week for "poo-poos" by giving him the best gifts ever...bobbers and fishing lures  ("luring fishes" as he calls them)?  Well he still loves them and has carried his fishing pole around with the bobber and lure on it....casting it and reeling it in ALL DAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!  Well it seems that the two (pottying and the fishing pole) are NOT a good combination.  Today, it was raining and he couldn't go outside to play and he was being really quiet, which is ALMOST ALWAYS a bad combination.  SO we went to find him and he was in the bathroom (yes, he had gone in the potty) and he was FISHING IN THE TOILET!!!  Oh my word I about died!   Yea we had to take the fishing pole away for a while, which he was devastated about, and explain to him that he is to catch FISH in the lake not other things in the toilet!  

He is such a BOY!

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