Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bye Clark family! (sniff, sniff)

Our very close friends, Chris and Ashley Clark, have taken a job opportunity in Paducah, KY and will be moving this weekend.  Ashley and I met while we were in high school through a mutual friend and ended up going to Union together and became sorority sisters.  After we both married, we ended up on staff at the same church for a while and have gotten together often for our kids to play together over the years (and for us to talk too of course).  Our kids have played together since they were just a few months old.  Karis and Brayden were so sad when we told them that Thomas, Maggie and Mary Taylor were moving and were so excited about seeing them one last time before their move at our playdate today.  Our other good friend Rachel Morris and kids joined us also (who also went to college with us and a sorority sister).

The girls (Karis, Maggie, Kendall, and Mary Taylor)

The 2 big boys Drew and Thomas

The moms (Rachel, Ashley and myself)

All the kids 
(This was the best pic we could get of everybody...surprised we got one this good!)

Karis and Maggie

Brayden and Drew

Karis and Kendall
We will miss you Clark family!  Hope to see yall soon!

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