Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Potty Training Day 1

Well we started the dreaded POTTY TRAINING today.  I wasn't planning on doing it until May but today he woke up and I randomly said, "Brayden, do you want to go tee-tee in the big boy potty?"  He said, "Yea!"  So I went with it.  He went in the potty chair and was so proud of him and we did the potty dance.  Then I said, "Ok, let's put on your diaper."  He said, "I don't want to.  I want to put on my big boy underwear."  So since we were going to be home today, I decided to go with it and see how he does. I told him that once we go to big boy underwear, no more diapers.  So we did.  He was so proud of these big boy underwear....

And all morning he went in here with only 2 accidents....

He got all of this he wanted and he was beyond ecstatic because it was a real treat.....
(it was decaf and half milk for those that think I am a terrible mom...hey whatever made him go about every 15 minutes)

And right before lunch he finally told me he needed to go (instead of me asking him "Do you need to go potty?") and so I took him to the REAL potty.  He cried at first because it was "cold" and he thought he would fall in, but once I nipped the crying in the bud, he went tee-tee in here....

And when he did, he got a special treat for going in the REAL potty, a bobber (yea he is all boy and loves fishing)...

And every time he went tee-tee after that, he got to pick a treat from the candy jar that he could see on top of the refrigerator....

And so far he has had one poo-poo accident in his pants and I made him pick it up with his hands and put it in the potty so maybe he wouldn't do it again!  But once he finally goes in the potty, he gets the ultimate treat...a fishing lure!!!  He has seen it in the package, but can't touch it until he goes.  

And he got some brand new big boy underwear with cars and balls on them...

And some cars pull-ups for nap times and night time because NO MORE DIAPERS!
I am exhausted!!!  We survived with about 40 successes and about 4 accidents all day.  Tomorrow is a new day...

1 comment :

  1. I'll send Canon to your house! haha...hope you are feeling well. We have some fun ideas for newborn pictures, if you are up to it when baby #3 arrives, give us a call, we'll come to you! Tara
