Thursday, February 24, 2011

Random Thursday

I have alot of random things to post and none of them really have anything to do with each other so I will make a bullet post of all that I need to catch up on and throw in some pics too!

  • A couple of days ago we bit the bullet and signed up for Netflix.  We have been wanting to do it for a while and just haven't taken the time to do it.  We had originally talked about getting Netflix and then getting rid of our directv.  That may still happen in our near future.   I am SOOO glad we finally did it.  It's awesome!  Without even getting the DVD's sent in the mail, we can watch a huge list of movies right off of our Wii!  SOOO cool.  The boys cuddled up in the recliner to watch Batman!

  • We are thankful the price of strawberries has gone down because we LOVE strawberries.  The past couple of weeks we have been devouring them!

  • Lucy loves wearing her sisters new robe these days.  She sees me in mine alot and wants to be like mommy and sissy I guess.  She looks so big walking around the house in it!

  • We had "fish and puppies" for dinner the other night.  We fried up Jay and Brayden's catch from Sunday and it was so good!  We don't normally fry things except for fish when they catch it.  Everybody ate it up and we even had some for leftovers on Monday for lunch and they devoured it again. YUM!

  • Monday at lunch when we were eating the fish, Brayden was telling Trey all about the fish that he caught that they were eating.  He was saying here, "One of the fish I caught...his mouth was THIIIIIS big!"  haha Just a little exaggeration!

  • The kids came home with these from Splash the other night.  They made cards for people that they loved and told them why.  

This one from Karis to Brayden....

This one is from Brayden to Lucy....

  • I don't ever paint my fingernails anymore.  But I did yesterday and all day today Lucy has been looking at my fingernails saying, "oooh yucky!"  I guess she thinks they are dirty.  Isn't that terrible?! ha
  • Lucy is talking up a storm here lately.  She is saying some of the funniest things without being prompted.  I had a friend mention to me last night she had never heard her say a word.  (When she gets around people she gets shy and won't talk unless she warms up.)  Yesterday one of the boys was in time out and was fussing, and she looked at him and pointed her finger and said, "Dry it up.....NOW...buddy!"  I started laughing out loud and then she got embarrassed.  Her new favorite thing to say when I tell her no is "Aw maaaaan!"    She also tattles on Karis all the time too even when she didn't do anything wrong.  For instance, when she made a mess upstairs in the makeup the other day I said, "Ohhhh Lucy, who made this mess????"  She always replies with "Taris!" (Karis)  Then I say, "No she didn't.  Who made this mess?"  Then she'll say, "Me."  
Lucy loves to sing the blessing now after hearing Karis and Brayden do it. Here she is singing it.  She repeats the same line over and over, "God our father..." and then she wants to sing it the entire time we eat and even when she playing sometimes.   

Then I was trying to video it again and she told me to "STOP!" videoing her. It's funny!

Today I was trying to video her doing it again (because of course they always do the best OFF camera) and I caught her saying some of her new favorite words.  Here's proof Lucy talks!

  • Jay and I are dieting/watching what we eat (except for the fish the other night) and I have to say it is not fun but hopefully will pay off.  We have a few love handles that have to go ha!
  • Storms are rolling in today and I am NOT a fan of them at all...especially tornadoes!  I have hated them since I was little....something inside me panics when we have bad weather!  I am not looking forward to the long night ahead!


  1. Too cute Amanda, they are all getting so big!! I love listening to Daniel start to talk, they are too funny when their learning to talk.

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