Friday, February 25, 2011

I met the Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man!

Tonight the Pioneer Woman and her husband ("Marlboro Man") were in town for a book signing and although I knew it would be long lines, we decided to tough it out and go anyway with all the kiddos.  We are thankful Lolli came along as well!   I love Pioneer Woman's blog and her recipes are incredible (my husband thanks me for finding them!).  To our surprise, we got there to find out she brought her hubby too!

Ladd Drummond "Marlboro Man" signing my book

We waited in David Kidd for about 3 hours (or more) for our turn.  Luckily there was a Panera Bread around the corner and we wasted some of our time eating there and it was super yummy!  We were thankful they had an amazing kids section with lots of toys for the kids to be entertained with.  They had a ball!  I think they thought we went there for them to play, not for the book signing ha!

Lucy was scared of this mouse puppet...

 Karis enjoyed cozying up and reading some books!

 It was getting late and Lucy was super tired.  She looks dazed and confused here.

And after a long wait, we finally got to meet her and she was super nice and friendly.  I don't even remember what I said to her, probably something stupid.  I was star struck!

But apparently something was really funny because we were both laughing really hard here...

It was so fun and I was glad we went!  If you haven't ever tried her recipes, please do.  Your tummy (and your husband) will thank you!