Saturday, February 13, 2016

New friends, earthquakes and chai!

Lucy had to do a report for homeschool, actually her first ever and she wrote about Abraham Lincoln.  She wasn't excited at first but was so proud of her work!  She presented it to our family one night after dinner.

Lucy's audience for her presentation...

We experienced our first earthquake the other day and it was really scary.  I was sitting in the kitchen, Jay was gone and the kids were outside playing when all of a sudden it sounded like a huge thunderstorm, our building started to shake and these coffee cups on the wall were bouncing against the wall and against each other.  It probably sounded a whole lot worse than it was but I was so scared I got up under the table!  Soon after the kids came running inside and said they saw the light poles shaking outside and it sounded like lots of thunder and rocks falling.  It registered a 3.2 but it seemed bigger at the time for sure.  Next time I will know what to expect and not act so silly ha!

Tea at a new friends house....

Visting Lucy's favorite stores!

Our new friends and brother and sister!

My buddy Esra and I at a local coffee shop...

Family worship....

Fish stand on the side of the we didn't buy any!

Interesting combination at the pazaar...cabbage and cola ha!

Corn stand on the street...these people love it!  We do too!

I don't know when she became a teenager but I don't know if I am ready for this!

Sunset on a morning run...

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