Saturday, November 3, 2012

Jay is home from Ghana, Africa!

Yah I am one happy gal right now because my man is back from a 9 day mission trip to Ghana, Africa!!!  I don't ever like to mention he is out of town online until after the fact and thankful we are on the other end of it and now he is HOME!  I missed him terribly! It has been a long, busy week without him here.

Here we are 9 days ago dropping him off at the airport...sniff sniff!

This is the team that he went with...

We texted a few times each day while he was gone but we only talked twice for about 2-3 minutes each time.  Both times I saw this number or one like it come up on my caller ID I got butterflies in my stomach!

I often looked at this on my phone wondering what he was doing...

I was so glad to pick him up from the airport on Saturday night.  But I think 3 little ones were almost as excited as this momma.  We waited excitedly....

....until he finally arrived and I got tears in my eyes when this happened.  Like, alot of them.  Jay is such a great daddy and I love that my children love their daddy.  BUT not as much as me!!!

He was very jet-lagged, tired, hungry for American food and wanted his own bed so it wasn't until the next day that we really sat and talked about his trip which was incredible.  A whole separate post will be coming with pics and stories from his trip (I am patiently waiting on my sweet husband to download them so I can steal them :) ).  However I was very thankful the next morning to go to church with this handsome man as a family.  I do love him so!
So glad my baby is home!!!  Have I mentioned that?!

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