Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Festival and B's soccer game

This morning we ventured out to Karis' school Fall Festival.  She has been looking forward to this for weeks!  The classes did a scarecrow decorating contest and this is Karis' class' scarecrow...she was so proud to show it to us.  She wondered all afternoon if her class won!

Here are some of the others...

Brayden's personal fav...

They had a ton of moonbounces for the kids and they had a blast playing on them!

Karis tried to get Lucy to go up but she got scared.  She did it once but wasn't too fond of it!

Me and my baby...

This was their favorite one of course...

Lolli is still visiting so she got to come with us!

Lucy is lovin' being held these days.  Her cold is still lingering...ugh!

We went on a hayride to the pumpkin patch...

The kids got to pick out their own pumpkin out of the "pumpkin patch" field and then paint it..

While Karis and Brayden were painting theirs, Lucy continued to go and find "punkins" (as Brayden calls them)....

Lucy would find one, bring it to me, I would secretly put it back down, and she would do it all over again...and again...and again.

Brayden bought a toy gun and Karis did sand art...

Our friend Ellie won 1st place in the costume contest...she was a lego!  Isn't it adorable???  Her very talented mother, Mary Beth, made it.  She is soooo creative!

We left the Fall Festival and headed to Brayden's soccer game.  Honestly, not really sure why we went because he was TOTALLY not into it today.  Sometimes he isn't very interested but today he was completely bored.  Oh well...maybe soccer is not his thing!

After lunch we came home and chilled while watching football.  I love Saturdays during football season...I really do.  It is not that we love any particular team although we do root for Ole Miss, but we have very fond memories of watching football together early in our marriage.  Those days are not complete without some chips and dip and the windows it!

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