Time is flying and I don't know where it went! My baby is 5 months old today and I am enjoying every day with her. She has been officially sick for the past 2 weeks so things haven't been normal but she is still being precious and sweet. She brings us so much joy! The following pics are some from our 5 month old shoot at home...it is getting harder and harder to get a good shot but this was the best we got.
This is what she is doing most of the time...trying to put paci in her mouth!
Lucy at 5 months old you:
- have learned to put your paci in your mouth if you work really hard at it.
- laugh out loud alot
- LOVE your brother and sister to death; you watch them all the time
- still can turn from your stomach to back but NOT from back to stomach...this is driving mom crazy because you can't sleep on your back so at least one time a night I have to turn you back over!
- sit in bumbo pretty good these days and sometimes prefer to be "sitting up" rather than laying back in the swing or other things.
- need your 2nd hair cut but haven't gotten it yet...soon to come (you have another mullett)
- eat baby food usually 1-2 a day...you have had sweet peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, oatmeal and rice cereal, applesauce and prunes. You don't care for peas but love carrots and applesauce!
- have not had any antibiotics yet..but had a bad cold for the past two weeks and we thought you had an ear infection but didn't.
- have gotten taller and slimmed out a lot; you are taller than your brother and sister were at this age
- give large mouth kisses (and they are really slobbery but OH SO SWEET!).
- stay awake longer in the afternoons but sleep really sound at night.
- starting to really like the exersaucer amd bumbo
- some of your favorite things to do are be held, sit in the bumbo seat on the table while we eat or on the counter "helping" mom cook, chew on toys, watch your brother or sister, have story time with Karis
- No teeth yet but chew on everything you can get in your mouth
- Schedule 5 a.m. eat and go back to sleep, 8:00 eat jar of food, 9:00 nurse, 9:30-12 nap, 12 nurse then maybe nap, 3 eat, 5 eat, 6ish nap, I wake you up at 8 or 9 to eat and you are down for the night
- We love you very much!
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