Sunday, August 2, 2009

Riverbend SPLASH

Riverbend Splash last night was at our pool and we had a bunch of people come! It was so fun to get to hang out with everyone and fellowship. The kids got to swim, go down the water slide, picnic with friends, eat slushies, and have a shaving cream fight (which my kids didn't participate in).

BEFORE the shaving cream fight...

My kids WATCHING...they thought it was hilarious!


...and AFTER the fight. Nope, I can't tell who anyone else is either!

Eating slushies

And Lucy got passed around quite a bit and was loving every minute of it. Here is the #1 Lucy hog!



Don't know how this got out of order but this is Liz our children's minister. She is awesome with the kids!
What a fun evening!


  1. your kids are getting so big! i didn't know you did blog makeovers. i would have gotten you to do mine, i already have paid someone to start working on mine. :( yours is so cute.
    -brittany dalomba
