Monday, July 6, 2009


As of late, there has been alot of talk about P90X. My brother Matt and his wife are doing it for the second time, yet this time are doing the diet with the exercise program. Jay has done it for a couple of weeks and then with all of our family in town, jumped off the bandwagon. I have needed to get back into some exercise but recently having surgery have been putting it off and trying to recover and heal. Now that it has been 8 weeks post surgery, I have no excuses now. I still have a few baby pounds to lose and want to get it off. I like the idea of the nutrition plan with it because we could always eat healthier and the book pretty much lays it out for you. We love fruits and veggies at our house and meat too so it shouldn't be that much of a change except for the no salt, no sugar rule. NO COKE OR COFFEE???? I only drink one coke a day but it is like my reward of the day. I love it. And coffee??? I REALLY don't know if I will give it up. I can give up alot of things, even Dr. Pepper, but not coffee. I will be reviewing the Nutrition plan this week and then Jay and I plan to start it together soon. I wonder if it is possible to get a six pack after giving birth to 3 children? Highly unlikely but hey, it is ok for a girl to dream right? We'll see. Anyone else tried P90X?


  1. The Nutrition Plan for P90X can be tough in the beginning, but you will soon conquer it and enjoy the new Super Fit You.

    Stay Strong,

  2. I have got the books and the videos and am starting the program next week. I am really looking forward to it. However, I am thinking that I will have to have one Diet Coke a day. I don't drink coffee, but it is my equivalent.

