Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My confirmation

Over the past couple of months Jay and I have been contemplating whether or not to get my tubes tied when I have this upcoming C-section. I will have had 3 sections by then and many more than that could be dangerous and might not be recommended.  However, my doctor has told me that I MIGHT be able to have four children although we are not sure that we want a 4th.  However the Lord has convicted me time and time again that the choice is not OURS.  The Lord has proven that children are a blessing and with so many friends and family that have trouble conceiving or keeping a child, we feel that we can't "turn down" a blessing if the Lord decides to give it to us...unless of course it is medically not recommended.  

Anyway, when I was at the doctor yesterday (and every time I go) my doc asks me what our decision is.  I told him this time that Jay and I didn't have a peace about it and felt we would regret it if we did go through with it, even if we never have any more children.  I explained to him our convictions regarding this and he totally understood.  However he did say that there is a chance that during the section he notices that it would NOT be healthy for us to conceive again, would I then be ok with going through with it???  I said yes of course because I don't want to put me or an unborn baby at harm.   I felt at peace at that point with our decision.

A few minutes later I went in the waiting room to wait the long, dreaded hour for the glucose test and brought my Bible study materials with me to keep me busy.  I am currently working through Stepping Up by Beth Moore with the ladies from church and it is based on the Songs of Ascent (Psalm 120-134).  I opened up to do my next study and it was on Psalm 127.  I was floored and almost cried when I got to verses 3-5.  They read:

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, 
Children a reward from Him.  
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, 
are sons born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man 
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their enemies 
at the city gate."

Isn't it amazing when God answers prayers and reveals Himself through His word?  WOW!


  1. Amanda, I didn't know that you had a c-section with your first two. I guess I should've known that, but I didn't. Anyway, I had a C-section with Ava Grace and was so disappointed because for 8 months I thought I would have her the natural way. Anyway, she was frank breech and the way I had planned to give birth was a no go. Anyway, I was talking with my doctor at my yearly exam and he noticed that my scar was a little puffy. He said,"I can fix that with your next child, unless you want to give birth naturally." I didn't even know that was an option. Sorry for the long story, but I just made a connection in a way.

  2. Hey! So, I love your blog! It's so cute! I actually got inspired and made my own, but how do you get it to look so cute?! How do you get more than just the basic templates? I'm so dumb when it comes to this stuff! Love you & are so excited for y'all and the new baby! What a blessing! Isn't it awesome when the Lord speaks so clearly about something!? Facebook or email me back!

  3. I am new here! What an awesome blog :)
